For Teachers and Instructors

For Teachers and Instructors

For Teachers and Instructors

Coaching Teens for Youth Sports Safety and Wellbeing

The Facts

Sports and athletic areas were the most common place of [injury] occurrence for children aged 11-16 years. (Mitchell et al 2017)

From a peak at ages 10–14, the participation rate (in community sport) halves for the next age group of 15–19 years. (Eime 2019)

The main strategy that coaches can implement to support young player safety and wellbeing is to understand the young players’ specific emotional and psychological developmental stages and not treat them like ‘little adults’ (Koester 2000).

Coaching Teens is an online or face-to-face 60-minute workshop for community-level sports coaches of teenage players.

It complements coaches’ existing technical and strategic knowledge of their game by enhancing their mentoring skills for player wellbeing, engagement, retention and safety.

We know youth sports coaches are passionate and committed to developing young players, but they tell us that at times they can be challenged by the:

  • number of teenagers who lose interest and drop out
  • unhelpful attitude of a few players and the influence that has on the team
  • collective pressure that school, peers, family and growing up generally has on players
  • best way to develop teenagers as players and as young people
  • lack of support given to them as coaches.

This workshop and its supporting resources give youth sports coaches:

  • insights into the behaviour and attitudes of teenage players
  • confirmation about their role as a key adult influencer of teenage players
  • practical tips for being an effective mentor and enhancing player relationships
  • positive ways to encourage player engagement and foster team success.

Great workshop, great to be reminded that youth have so much to deal with.


Ingleburn Baseball Club


The presentation gave our participants valuable insights into what their role is and the impact they can have on the players they coach

Coaching Educator

North West Sydney Football

If you would like more information or to book a session, please call our Education Coordinator on (02) 9817 7847, email or fill in the enquiry form below:


your Name
your Email
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The Influence of Coaching Style on player injury and participation

Coaches are an essential part of a sporting team’s success. This article looks at how coaches can impact on young players’ health, wellbeing as well as improving performance, on and off the sporting field.

Read the full article by clicking here.


National Road Safety
Week 2024

This is an opportunity for young drivers and their adult influencers to embrace a shared commitment to road safety. One lapse can shatter a family forever. But together, we can make our roads safer by driving responsibly and cultivating a deeper culture of protection on Australian roads.

Want to make a donation to advance driver safety?